среда, 12 апреля 2017 г.

Resolve to grow a better rosemary plant. Your dinner guests will thank you.

Resolve to grow a better rosemary plant. Your dinner guests will thank you.

Resolve to grow a better rosemary plant. Your dinner guests will thank you.

Resolve to grow a better rosemary plant. Your dinner guests will thank you. Many gardeners have kept a single pot alive for years. If a young plant shrivels, it’s time to figure out why.

Original article and pictures take https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/home/resolve-to-grow-a-better-rosemary-plant-your-dinner-guests-will-thank-you/2017/01/03/f97df348-c6e3-11e6-85b5-76616a33048d_story.html?utm_term=.7b24afb7a996 site

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